Brontez Purnell Insists on Phoning Writers He Admires
Describe your ideal reading experience (when, where, what, how). It could only be in fantasy scenarios. Like everyone else, my…
I Read These Books So That You Don’t Have To
President Biden had a far better comeback at his disposal last week when he took offense at a special counsel…
This Novel Is So Bonkers, It Needs Three Narrators
“Same Bed Different Dreams,” Ed Park’s second novel, is a heady mix of true history and high-flying fiction.
If You Know How to Read It, Washington Is an Open Book
President Biden had a far better comeback at his disposal last week when he took offense at a special counsel…
Waiting in the Snow for a Phone Call, Mixing Memory and Desire
Cynthia Zarin’s first novel, “Inverno,” is a tale of a woman’s incurable longing and haunted past.
Jill McCorkle Is Getting Over Her ‘Henry James Phobia’
What books are on your night stand? “The Life and Times of Hannah Crafts: The True Story of the Bondwoman’s…
Read Your Way Through Utah
Utah is a place of paradoxes, full of terrible beauty and complicated history. The writer Terry Tempest Williams recommends books…
David Mamet Names the Books That Explain the Real Hollywood
What’s the last great book you read? “A Journey in the Seaboard Slave States,” by Frederick Law Olmsted. Also note:…
Kathy Hourigan Is Retiring, but Not From Robert Caro
What books are on your night stand? Still there, because I just finished it, is “Martyr!” by Kaveh Akbar, a…
The Essential Henry James
Forget everything you’ve ever heard about less being more, about economy of syntax, about the read-between-the-lines profundity of wide-margined, double-spaced…